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Sep 12, 2022
In Women Book Club
It a day for all book lovers to get lost in thar novel that they're been wanting to read for a while, and it is also a day for those who don't usually read to give books a chance and get lost in the world of literature. WHY do we celebrate National read a book day? It a day to motivate all ages to read everyday. Reading is fun and has many benefits, regardless of you age. It is a key component of education and professional development.
National Read a Book Day is observed annually Sept 6th content media
Aug 12, 2022
August Book of the month: The price we pay for being family. content media
Aug 08, 2022
In Women Book Club
A day for all those who love to read. National book lovers day encourages you to find your favorite reading place and relax l.
Jul 06, 2022
In Women Book Club
In each other we trust!
July Book of the month: content media
Jun 02, 2022
In Nature Black Hair
Frontal wigs have grown in popularity, especially online.But head to TikTok and you’ll see more and more Black women who are tiring of their wigs. Why because for any women naturale is beautiful and less expensive. Embrace your uniqueness.
May 31, 2022
In Women Book Club
Love, heartbreak and recovery; romance story.
June Book of the Month content media
May 05, 2022
In Women Book Club
When two Queens share the same workplace. How do you play your best hand - woman to woman experiences story.
May Book of the Month: When you are  not the only Queen at the workplace  content media
Apr 13, 2022
April book of the Month: Poems short readings  content media
Mar 30, 2022
In Gardening
Tasty, nutritious spinach is one of the first crops planted in spring. It's higher in iron, calcium and vitamins than most cultivated greens, and it's one of the best vegetable sources of vitamins A, B and C. Space spinach plants 12 inches apart in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0.
Spinach: it's good for you. content media
Mar 14, 2022
In Nature Black Hair
Look for the following ingredients to ensure a hair supplement can back up its claims: Key Ingredients In A High-Quality Hair Vitamin: Saw Palmetto Biotin Hydrolyzed Collagen Tocotrienols Reishi Mushroom Flaxseed Oil Avoid These Harmful Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate Titanium Dioxide
Mar 14, 2022
In Gardening
Natural recipe to boost the immunity, to detoxify your body, to reduce cholesterol, to lower blood sugar levels, to cleanse the kidneys, to prevent anemia, to eliminate inflammation, to seed up your metabolism. Besides tasty great it simple to make. Celery is a great source of axtioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells blood vessel. A single stalk of Celery contains at least 12 kinds of Antioxidants nutrients. Celery has approximately 25 anti-inflammatory compound.Celery has a high water content 95% as well as soluble and insoluble Fibre which contribute to healthy digestive tact. Did you know! Celery has diuretic properties, which eliminate water retention and flush toxin from the body. Celery reduces the risk of urinary infections Celery is effective in reducing bad cholesterol Celery is excellent for weight loss, it boots lipid metabolism In the mix. You know how we do it. Wash, chop 5 stalks for this recipe add two small beets chopped. Add 1/2 liter of water (17 fl oz or coconut water. Blend until pureed and smooth. Second blend add more water 17 oz Blend baby blend! Tips; you can prepare a large quantity of this immunity drink and store it in the refrigerator for 3 days. To get effective result contine to drink for 1 week. Drink 1 cup 1/2 hour before breakfast. Beetroot or Beets the second ingredient. Beet contain natural chemicals known as nitrate, which improve blood circulation thoughout the body. Beets help open up the blood vessels. Beetroot is a great liver cleanser, it helps in flushing out all the toxins. Beets prevents anemia and iron deficiency.. Optional: if you want lemon favor, add about 1/2 lemon juice to the mix. Aka name for this heath drink: " Hello Belize Drink" hopefully Ms. Deliah will work her magic and make it official.
Mar 09, 2022
In Gardening
Like pickles try the herb Dill. Dill is a potent appetizers, dill leaves characterize excellent digestive qualities. The anti-flatulent property of the fresh dill sprigs reduces the formation og gas in the alimentary canal, thus reducing bloating, flatulence and abdominal distension. Added dill to my salad along with mint. The scraps go to the worm compost bin.
Mar 09, 2022
In Gardening
Finally found a strawberry to harvest more plants out of this small strawberry pot. Lay down plastic wrap. Add a banana slice Add soil Fold the plastic right from the bottom and roll one end to the other. Place back in the pot for 15 days are more for a strong root system.
Mar 09, 2022
In Gardening
Reduce. Use less of — or do without — unnecessary ingredients. Use smaller portions to avoid excessive leftovers. Reuse. Repurpose food scraps instead of throwing them out. Use reusable containers to buy foods in bulk. Recycle. Compost leftover food scraps or feed to your worm compost to make Golden tea to ferlize your plants. 4. Visit your local grocery store reduce produce section to harvest seeds and feed worms. Some fruit and vegetables are still good but it has passed it shelf life according to the store timeline. Use fruit or vegetables to can or pickle. Plant potatoes for harvesting or for foliage decor.
 Zero waste harvesting & recycling food scraps  content media
Mar 06, 2022
Love letter to our Daughters  content media
Mar 01, 2022
In Women Book Club
Review:Book about the empowered, our sisterhood, our wisdom to pull though the storms.
March Book of the Month content media
Feb 28, 2022
In Gardening
If you have potatoe laying around use a potatoe as a plant medium to plant a rose brush. Using honey for a hormone is options. Cut a potatoe in half make a trench down the center and place the rose in the mi ddle and enclose the other half to match the other side and plant. In about 21 days it will start to root. The best thing you can do is leave it along. Plant in a container the right size and depth so you won't have to repot it so soon. Delivery flowers or roses are very high quality plants over nursery plants. It best to try to regrow if possible.
Feb 28, 2022
In Gardening
Well it is alway nice to receive flowers, but what do you do when the magic and the memories start to fade. It doesn't have to fade with a little creativity. In the first post we can make the flowers last at least thirty days with care. There are other methods of keep those pretty alive and keeping your heart warm. For example roses box bouquet can run you a good $200 dollars create your own for your office desk, spa bath accented with candles. If you have any glass or plastic container it will do. Place in the refrigerator when not in use. So you cut the stems to help keep it fresh now you about at the end only the roses or flower left. This is the remaining of the flowers. My goal was to replant and send them back to my dear friend and have a memory year round. Here's a project for you.
Feb 27, 2022
In Gardening
We all love receiving beautiful flowers. I am sharing my birthday flowers with you and how to enjoy them all year round- as a florist I will share some of my tips and tricks to keep enjoying your roses or flowers if you don't want to plant them. If your home is warm most of the time. Drop a ice cube or two in the vase. Roses or flower withing to fast. Place in the the refrigerator remove from vase and wrap the bottom with plastic wrap. Roses & flower can last several week to a month. Change water every week. Cut a little bit of the stem to the Roses or flowers can obtain water and add an aspirin. Happy Birthday Flowers I took cutting from the flowers. I manage to harvest two pink rose out of one rose - 12 to 16 inch. Three hardwood brushes. Two cutting from 1 carnation 12 inch in length and Two more I got to look up. Roses- rooting hormones- Honey Carnation- rooting hormones - Honey and cinnamon Arts & Craft You can save the leaves for a project. Place in a zip lock freezer bag for later use. Lay the leave out as flat as possible add water to the bag. Putt the leaves in the freezer will help the leaves to keep their moisture and color. I am planning on making my mom a prayer book with the leaves and prayers. That another post close to mother's day. The flowers head can be pressed in a book or frame. another project.
Feb 24, 2022
In Gardening
Planting onions for my late harvesting to make sure I have a continue blooms thoughout the year. I planted a set of onions two week ago.


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