The sky is the limit. You do not have to be a mass commercial grower. You can be growing you garden for mid size to mom and pop size grower. Even better right from your back yard or balcony. If you have a passion for two are three plants that you have a green thumb go for it. If you live in an area that is a food desert. You got gold.
Hey Ms Deliah you got some onion growing over there. Yes mam how many you need. I need 4 onions that will be 4 for $2.00. Thank you dear. If the neighborhood know you growing stuff you in good shape. You can plan when and where to sell them. Fresh markets, trade days or at the end of your drive once a month on a specific day.
Sunday or Saturday time you foot track.
Tip: That is why I grow my herbs and plants in mini mass on my balcony. Someone always want a plant are too or some basil. Family and friends are you first best customers.
I have so much sour sap plants.. who wants one??😊
Great Tip.. I love the entrepreneur vibe.. genius 😊👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽