When you are buying any plants this apply to all plants. In this post we will visit the snake plants and it's benefit of having one in your home or apartment. Similar to other household succulents, snake plants help to filter indoor air. What's unique about this particular plant is that it's one of the few plants that can convert carbon dioxide(CO2) into oxygen at night.This quality makes it an ideal plant for bedroom decor, since it can help regulate healthy air flow.
I always wanted a snake plants and I finally bent and purchase a plant. I only buy what I don't have already otherwise I make new plants from cutting and never have a buy that specie again. I purchase the mother plant for about fourteen dollars.
1.Look for overall plant health.
2. Look at the bottom of the planter to see if it has been root bound. It will tell you on the average how long it been in that pot.
3. Look for plants that have rooting babies plants and decide if it worth it price.
* while you are preparing the soil let the plant soak. *From the mother plant I was able to get two medium size and some cuttings. I have ten cutting that will root in 32 days. (Set a reminder on my phone to check the cuttings in 32 days). In total I will have thirteenth plants in all. Water schedule is every two week or twice a month.
because of the shape and sharp margins of its leaves that resemble snakes. It is also known as the "viper's bowstring hemp", because it is one of the sources for plant fibers used to make bowstrings.
Why is it called a snake plant?